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Sunday, August 22, 2010

How To Make Salsa

I'm bored today and kind of wishing I had gotten the ingredients to make more salsa this week at the farmer's market, so I'll just post about making salsa instead. I've made 3 double batches so far and have 18 qts. I still have to do at least one more batch to make it through the winter, until tomatoes are ready next year. Plus, I like to have extra to give as gifts and bring to get togethers, so I'll probably make two more batches. One mild and one super hot. I've been trying to get a hot batch for Mike, but can't seem to get the right combo down yet, but I'm close...This last batch I made was a very flavorful medium, and I was very happy with it!

So, if you're interested in the process and maybe want to get into canning, I can give you a mini tutorial on how to do it. Here's a link to salsa recipe I'm using. I water bath all my produce. It's just what all my family have done, and what I've grown up with. I'm sure pressure cooking is ok, just have never done it. I'm going to gear this towards salsa, since that's what I make the most of, but you can use a lot of these techniques in most canning.

Items you will need to can salsa
 You need a few basics to get you started that make the whole process a little easier. You will need a large canner to bath your filled jars, a large non-stick pot to cook your produce, a pot to have boiling water large enough for your jars and lids, a couple of plates to keep down the mess, a jar rack keeps the jars off the direct heat and helps them not to break, a jar lifter is a big help but not totally necessary, a tongs or lid lifter to get lids out of boiling water, a canning funnel, ladle, a clean towel and dish rag, jars, lids and covers. If you're just getting started, a lot of times you can get a started kit with all of the stuff you need. I got a lot of my stuff from my mom. Before I forget, one of the most important thing she taught me was to use new lids every year. You may never get a good enough seal with them after the first time they're used.

In making salsa, there are a few things that might help you in the long run of making it. Since finding your favorite recipe is trial and error, I'll give some pointers I've figured out along the way. First of all, the type of tomatoes you choose to use can help in the amount of cooking time needed to make the salsa the consistency you like. We all love juicy tomatoes, but they aren't really the best choice in making salsa. Find a good, meaty variety. A few I use are Big Boy, Beefsteak, and Roma, but there are lots of varieties.

Next is figuring out how spicy you want your salsa to be. I'm going to come out and say right away that our family has long since killed off its taste buds from eating such hot peppers, but I do keep in mind that a lot of people like milder salsa. I will try to give a frame of reference on how we like it and what most people would probably think of its spiciness. For some of the most common peppers used, pablanos are lowest on the spicy scale, next come plain chilies, jalapenos, Serranos, Tabasco peppers, and then habaneros. Even if you're going for a milder salsa, don't be afraid to use a few of the next higher level spicy peppers to round out the flavor. The more varieties of peppers you put in, the more flavorful salsa you're going to get. You can also change the spiciness by leaving out the seeds. It's a good way to get the flavor of a pepper, but not all the heat.

This year, my first batch was only half seeded and half not seeded habaneros and I was expecting it to turn out super hot, but it ended up being somewhat boring flavorwise and pretty medium for us. My second batch, Mike got his way and we went with all jalapenos. I had small ones and used almost 50 jalapenos with seeds. I thought that would end up being my super hot batch, but it really wasn't too spicy. Probably on the top end of medium for us, but pretty spicy and closer to hot for most. This last batch I made was by far the most flavorful. I had no idea how it was going to turn out with so many different types of peppers in it. I had a lot to use up in my fridge, so it was quite the smorgasbord of peppers. I used 6-8 chilies, 10 small jalapenos, a dozen small Tabasco peppers, and 6 yellow jalapenos (not sure what their name is) all with seeds. I may have taken some seeds out as I went, the easy to take ones, but didn't take out a lot. It really did turn out very well and was a good medium with a little bit of after-burn, but it didn't last long. It only goes to show that these recipes are a lot about preference and there is a ton of room for forgiveness if you think you've made a mistake. Don't be afraid to leave some seeds in, especially in the less spicy varieties, they really give a lot of flavor.

When it comes to wiggle room, there is tons in the recipe I have listed previously. If you don't have quite enough tomatoes, don't fret, just add more of the other veggies. I've also changed the amounts of some of the ingredients like garlic (we love it, so instead of 3 cloves I usually put in 2 full small heads in a double recipe), cumin, and the amount of onions. You can change the amounts of pretty much everything in the recipe. The only ingredients I wouldn't mess around with would be the amount of vinegar, lemon juice and salt. Those are three pretty crucial ingredients for how the produce cure and will keep.

So, onto the process. In general it takes me at least 4 hours to get a full double batch done, start to finish. A double batch has pretty consistently been giving me 6 quarts of salsa. You can cut down that time by scouring your tomatoes as they become ready from your garden, and throwing them in the freezer. That way you just have to thaw them out and throw them in your cooking pot on canning day. As they become ready, you can also cut up your peppers, onions and garlic and throw them in the freezer also. All this can make things much easier on canning day. I can't do any of this because I get my veggies at the farmers market and I don't have ample enough freezer space. So I've learned to streamline the whole process as much as possible to make it as quick as possible.

Here's a quick overview of the whole process.
  1. First thing I do is start a large pot of water boiling to get the skins off the tomatoes. 
  2. I core and put an X in the bottom of the tomatoes to get them ready to put in the boiling water.
  3. Pull off the skins, do a rough dice and throw them in the cooking pot that is sitting next to my cutting board.
  4. I start cooking the tomatoes to give them a head start.
  5. I dice my remaining veggies and add to the cooking pot.
  6. Add all the remaining ingredients and simmer (stirring often).
  7. While salsa is simmering, I get jars, lids and covers ready along with the funnel, ladle and towels I'll need. 
  8. During the last half hour of cooking, I start boiling the water in my canner. About 10 minutes after that I start the water to sterilize my jars and lids.
  9. With my limited space, when the salsa is finished cooking, I take the pot off and put it to the side. I have the canner on the far left and put the sterilizing pot on the right, next to the pot of salsa. Next to that I put a plate for holding the jar and one for the ladle. 
  10. When ready to start, I put a jar in the water to sterilize, dry and put on a plate.
  11. Next I'll fill it with salsa and clean and dry the lip of the jar with the dish rag (always using a clean part).
  12. When filled, I sterilize the lid and make sure the rubber is dry, trying not to mess with the middle of the lid too much. Then I put it on the jar and put on a cover. 
  13. I then set the full jar in my nearby rack.
  14. When the rack is full, I set it into the canner where the water isn't boiling. Bring it to a boil and start the timer. 
  15. When finished, pull out jars wrapped in a towel in an area that doesn't have a draft for about a day. Make sure all the lids have popped. If they don't, just put in the fridge and use first.
Scored tomatoes
The more you do this process, the easier it gets. Also, I do this a little different than the recipe states, but that's because I don't have a dishwasher to sterilize and heat my jars. I can't get them hot enough to self seal, so I put them in a water bath to make sure they seal. If you do use a dishwasher to heat and sterilize, you NEED to make sure everything stays steaming hot, otherwise you won't get the jars to self-seal. I never quite trust that method, so I water bath, but Mike's grandma has been doing it that way for years. I can't emphasize how much the jars NEED to stay hot though. Even if you do the jars in the dishwasher, I would still put the lids on the stove to boil, because you can't keep those hot enough in the dishwasher.

Tomatoes scouring in pot
So here's a more in depth explanation of the process, if you need a little more help. I start the day by coring my tomatoes and making an X in the bottom of them. You do this to help you get the skin off. Next they go into boiling water until the skins start coming off. The time can vary with how ripe your tomatoes are. I then pull them out and put them in a strainer on top of a plate next to my stove. When I'm all finished with that, I pull all the skins off. Then I move over to my cutting board and start halving and dicing the tomatoes. I like to leave them pretty chunky, because we like a thick, chunky salsa. When finished, I put the pot on the stove and start to simmer to get the time rolling.

Chopping tomatoes
While the tomatoes are simmering, I start to cut up the rest of my vegetables. I use the aid of a food processor to help cut down the work and time spent on doing it. First I'll usually do the peppers, then onions and finally hotter peppers. Since we do like our salsa hotter, I don't waste my time taking out a lot of the seeds in the peppers. If you will be seeding them, I do suggest wearing gloves, as you can burn your fingers and anything else you touch. I've cut enough where it doesn't bother me anymore. The thing that always gets me though, are the onions. They'll blind me sometimes, they're so strong. I should probably do those last, so I don't chop off my fingers...If you do use a processor, put in smaller amounts and  pulse it until most of your ingredients are bite size, so you don't puree your veggies. If you are using a spicier pepper, be aware you may get a coughing fit from catching a whiff. I catch myself doing it even when I'm washing the dishes from them.

Mixed and ready to simmer
When all the veggies are in the pot, I give a good stir and then put in the remaining ingredients. Make sure you stir often. If your salsa burns to the bottom of your pot, you can ruin a whole batch. Even if you do a double batch, I've found that the 1 1/2 hour cooking time is pretty accurate. I just take off a little time for the amount I've simmered the tomatoes. And then the tough part is done.

Next you get your jars ready. If you're reusing jars, you are going to want to make sure they are clean and ready to sterilize. If you have a dishwasher you can heat them up in there and avoid sterilizing them in boiling water on the stove. You want to make sure they stay hot though. If you put hot salsa in a cold jar, you will end up breaking a jar. Even if you do use the dishwasher, you will still want to sterilize your lids on the stove, they don't stay warm enough in dishwasher. Same goes for how long your jars sit out. If you have to can separate batches in hot water, you will want to wait to fill the second set of jars so they stay hot. It's easy enough to reheat the salsa if you have to wait.
Cooking in the canner
When filling the jars, I keep it as streamlined as possible to avoid a mess. I put my canner on the left, heating up the water. You can bring it to a boil, but turn it down before you put in the full jars. If it's boiling, you can easily crack and break jars if you're not careful. On the right of the canner I put my sterilizing water (as I don't have a dishwasher). Then next to that I put my two plates. Just above those I put my salsa. So then I sterilize the jar and dry it, put it on a plate, fill the jar and give about a half inch of head space, clean lip of jar, sterilize and dry lid, put on lid and use cover. You want to be careful when drying the lid, not to pop it too much. If you do, that could make it hard for the lid to seal properly. Also, you want to make sure the lip is cleaned and dried to give you a proper seal.
Ready to cool

When you're jars are closed and ready to go, you fill up your rack. If you are doing a double batch of salsa and using pint jars, you will have to put two separate batches in the canner. I personally like to get it done as quick as possible and opt for the quart jars. If you do have to do two batches, make sure you're careful with keeping everything hot before it goes into the canner.

If you're at no elevation, I would cook pints for about 20-25 minutes and quarts 25-30 minutes. Make sure you check how long you need to cook if you're at elevation. I live at about 8500 feet, and I cook mine for about 45-50 minutes and then let them sit in there for 5 minutes after the stove is turned off, for good measure. Then you pull them out and cover them with a towel in a draft free area for about a day. If the lids don't seal, put in the fridge and use those first. Always check on your areas county extension website for the best way to water bath different produce. They know best.

And voila, you have salsa! I know it's hard to wait a day, but it is much better. Let me know how your canning experiences go. I love to hear about how other people do what they do!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time For Salsa

It's been a little while since my last post, but we've been pretty busy around here. We went up to MN for about 10 days. Good times!!

Now that we're back, I've totally got the itch to start canning. I was able to go to the farmer's market this week and come away with a haul. It was so fun! It's very cut throat at this market! It's the time of year to start thinking about salsa. We make tons at our house. I usually make the equivalent of about 50 pints. We go through so much, it's hard to keep enough until it's time to make more.

Usually I save all the fruit and veggies at my mom's house and can it all at once. This year I'm starting early so I don't have to do that (plus I don't have mom to help me this year). I hope to make a few batches before fall is over.

Last year's batch of salsa.
And the recipe you ask? It's usually kept pretty close, but I've been asked for it enough, that I decided to post it. This is a recipe I got from Mike's grandma, Nancy. She's an awesome cook! This is my favorite of her canning recipes, and she has a lot. You can make it as little or as much spicy as you want. We tend to make ours pretty spicy, so I usually use serrano peppers. You can use whatever pepper you want and either leave the seeds in or take them out. This year I'm trying habaneros instead. Last year our batch came out a little weaker than we're used to, so we're making sure that doesn't happen again this year.

So here goes.
15 tomatoes, scoured and cut small
2 green peppers, chopped and seeded
3 onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic
9 jalapeno peppers, w/seed
She blends the jalapeno peppers, garlic and onions together first before putting with the tomatoes.
Add: 12 oz can tomato paste
2 cups white vinegar
2 tsp white sugar
1 tsp cumin powder
3 tsp oregano
juice of two lemons
1/4 c. canning salt
Cook in canner 1-1/2 hrs until thick consistency. Pour into jars. They will seal themselves. 5-6 pints. She always washes them in the dishwasher and then puts the salsa in while they're really hot yet. I don't trust them enough, so I boil mine. Especially now that I'm at elevation and have to boil the living life out of everything I can. 

What's your favorite kind of salsa? Is it a regular good old fashioned chunky kind or do you like something a little fancier like putting in black beans? I always love hearing your suggestions and recipes. Happy canning!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Refrigerator Pickles or Peppers

During the summer we're no different from anyone else and love to grill brats and hot dogs. My mom always made her sister's refrigerator pickle recipe, and made a huge gallon jug full at a time. I grew up with these fresh refrigerator pickles as a staple at our house. They were always really good, and just a bit sweet.
As I grew older, I developed my love for spicy food!! The more I started cooking and tweaking recipes, the more I wanted to see how I could work with this recipe. It's so easy to do, and wanted to see if I could modify it to make pickled peppers instead. The only thing I did different was put in peppers instead of cucumbers. I guess I didn't add quite as much sugar either (with either recipe). They're pretty sweet. I think I usually take out about about a cup or so.The other great thing about this recipe, is that the juice is reusable. I just finished my first batch, and the picture to the left is my second batch made from the juice of the first batch. I will still cure the peppers for a week.

Here's a link to where I've posted it on Recipezaar.
Aunt Linda's Refrigerator Pickles

The other night I put these on a pizza for the first time. I made bbq chicken pizza and finished it off with some pickled peppers. It was amazing!! I have also used them to make my breakfast bacon, jalapeno, and cheddar rolls. Ridiculously wonderful! I'm sure there are tons of other things you could use them for too. Let me know your ideas...I love to hear them!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Softball and Goodies

Today was a fun day. All morning I was making various pastries for our day of softball. We got together with some friends to play some softball down in Alamogordo. It's been a long time since I played softball, it was fun getting back into it. You know me though, I had just as much fun making the goodies for after the game. We had a little BBQ and goodies after the game. I made brownies with a pudding/cool whip on top. I usually put bananas in the topping, but they didn't look very good by the time we got down there. I also made an old standby, Reese's peanut butter bars. It's a bar that has peanut butter, graham crackers, butter and confection sugar. Then the topping is just chocolate chips and a little more peanut butter melted. Then finally I made a tart. A strawberry tart. A beautiful strawberry tart...And man did it taste good! It was a pie crust in a tart pan. Then it had a thin layer of chocolate and then it had a layer of cream cheese, whipping cream, and confection sugar. Then came the strawberries...It was probably one of the prettiest desserts I've ever made. Turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

The tart was a recipe I found on the Taste of Home website and the others were pretty basic ones I've made over the years from family recipes. If anyone would like a recipe, just let me know. This was probably our funnest part of 4th of July weekend, what was yours?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Baking Day

Today I stocked up on some supplies and am doing a baking day. I had an ego boost the other night while at a gathering with Mike's co-workers (a group of forest service firefighters). Occasionally I send a cake or some sort of breakfast with him to share, and get many thanks. Last week when I had all my cherries, I made a cherry cheesecake and pie to send with him. Both got rave reviews! They liked the cheesecake so much that they asked me to make it again the other night, so I did. I'm a sucker for a dessert request.

It was just enough of a boost in ego to make me want to make more for them before they go to another fire. This time I decided to make some muffins and a breakfast streusel cake. So far I've made poppy seed muffins (with a hint of lemon), and blueberry streusel cake. I'm yet to make the banana muffins I promised Mike. I found an especially nummy banana bread recipe that has a pudding mixture in it that I'm going to turn into muffins.If you use this recipe, I suggest adding a half a cup of flour to make them muffins. I cooked muffins at about 350 for about 20 minutes, give or take.

I found two of the recipes on the Joy Of Baking website this morning, and am oh so happy I found it. It's a great site! It has recipes and is educational in teaching techniques. My favorite kind of site! What's your favorite recipe website?

Here are the recipes if you're interested in trying them:
Melt In Your Mouth Banana Bread
Blueberry Streusel Cake
Poppy Seed Muffins

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cherry Season Is Upon Us!

Cherry season is upon us. Today I took my boys to go pick at a local orchard. They had a blast picking what they could reach. They're not quite tall enough to reach the ripest ones. We still came out pretty well though. We came home with 18 lbs.

So now I'm plagued with the question of, "What am I going to do with all those cherries?" Well, there are the obvious few right off the bat that I can think of. Cherry pie and cherry cobbler I think are about the most popular way to use cherries.That and making pie filling (to the right is a picture of the filling I made with all my leftover cherries - 19 pints)

Since I have so much, I'm trying to branch out a bit from those great ideas. I did some searches today and for pastries came up with cherry oatmeal cookies, cherry shortcake, cherry oatmeal muffins, and even a lemon pound cake with cherry compote. I looked into canning pie filling and cherries.

I even came across a few dinner recipes. What I made tonight was pork chops with balsamic cherry sauce. It was wonderful! You can tell Mike is gone right now because I definitely don't cook like this much when he's gone. It was a little sweet, but went great with the pork.

Here's a link to the recipe I found for tonight's menu.

I definitely suggest giving it a try if you are in the midst of cherry season like I am. I'm always interested in what recipes and suggestions you guys come up with too, so keep 'em coming!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's amazing how much organic waste we put in a landfill in a year. And for some reason they don't recycle around here, so I felt obligated to do my part. So what am I going to do about it? I am going to buy worms. Yes, worms! If treated right, these little machines can eat their weight in food every day! Multiply that by about 1000 worms, and organics sent to the dump! Can you imagine if we ate that much?

It's really very simple. I'm just going to keep two plastic paint pails (with holes on all sides for the worms to breath). One with the bedding, food and worms, and the other to use when you're ready to collect their castings (worm poop, aka black gold). Then all I have to do is just wait for the magic to happen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Don't Toss It

At work recently, we were talking about some new things that we'll be making from scratch in the bakery this summer, and it really got me thinking. They're bringing back something they call Mountain Gems, something the previous owner used to make. She started describing them, and one sounded exactly the same as the Oreo cookie truffles I make at Christmas time. She had many different types of cookies that they use to create different flavors, like lemon or...well I got so excited after I heard Oreo truffles I missed all the other flavors.

If you've never had my truffles, you've missed out. But today I divulge all secrets, so here goes. Basicallcally all they are is cookies crushed in the processor and then cream cheese is added. I put he batch in the fridge for a while. Then I take a melon baller and make little spheres and put them in the fridge for a while before I coat them in melted almond bark (chocolate and white). Then I finish them off with a drizzle of the opposing color. I also change it up and put in some mint in half the cookie mixture and some in the bark. For those I'll usually drizzle green

You could basically do this with and dried cookie you like. Sky's the limit in flavor combos. You could do chocolate chip, lemon, ginger snap or anything.

What does this have to do with don't toss it, you ask yourself? Lots! It got me to thinking how many batches of overcooked cookies or flopped cakes that just get thrown away. I say you don't have to. This is a great way to use that stuff up.

Cakes, yes I said's happened to all of us that we've had to quick make a second one because something just wasn't right about it. Well, I've come across a recipe that makes it so you don't have to toss out that first one. It's a lot like the truffle idea. You take the baked cake and put it into the processor and turn it into a fine crumble. Then you mix in a tub of whatever frosting and mix it. Might need to get in there with your hands to get it all incorporated. Next I would put it in the fridge for about a Hal hour to let it set. When you take it out use a small round scupe to make little balls. Then either dip in chocolate or bark of your choice or just drizzle or glaze with some warmed up frosting. A little tip is that you can add some water to the frosting to thin it out to a drizzle.

So, enjoy and let's hear all your wonderful combination ideas!! One I've already come across is making red velvet cake with a green frosting at Christmas or red and white frosting at valentines. I'm even getting 4th of July visions with a red cake, white frosting and blue sprinkles...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recipes We Try To Replicate

As I mentioned, I started working at a bakery recently. I don't have their recipes, but it's so fun to try to duplicate! We have this thing that people go bonkers over. They have a few different flavors of them like bacon and cheese roll, bacon and green chili, and bacon, cheese and jalapeno. People go absolutely nuts over them, and they're wonderful!!

I've made it one of my new missions to replicate them. They basically look like a caramel roll (without the topping), that's filled with the variety of ingredients that make them taste so nummy. You could put almost any meat/cheese/veggie combo within reason. I particularly like the jalapeno ones!!

I'm going to start experimenting with the boule recipe out of the "Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes A Day" cookbook, and just incorporate different fillers. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes and give a better final recipe.

I'd love to hear your ideas for flavor combinations!

Summer Veggies

I love summer, mostly because it's fresh fruit and veggie season!! I practically go vegetarian in the summer, and my favorite place to get my goodies is at the local farmers market. I've been waiting weeks to go. Last week was the first week they had it around here and I ended up being very disappointed. Ours starts at 7:30 and I got there at 8 and all they had left was tomatoes. I heard people were lined up by 7:15 and pretty much everything sold out in a matter of minutes when they opened at 7:30. Happily they are going to have another one on Wednesday afternoons. I can't wait!!

If you don't have a farmer's market in your area, also try to check into a local CSA (community supported agriculture). If you do an internet search, you might be surprised what you find in your area.

I did manage to find some veggies and ended up making some refrigerator pickles and refrigerator pickled peppers. The hardest part is waiting the week while they cure. I also made cherry butter this week and threw it in the freezer. I'm determined to fill my pantry with goodies before this winter!!

Share your favorite summer recipes. I love new ideas!! Get out and try new recipes with the freshest veggies at your local market!!

My New Favorite Bread Making Cookbook

I have recently found the best bread making cookbook for those who really enjoy homemade bread, but don't think they have time to do it enough to sustain the amount of bread your family eats. It's called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day" by Hertzberg and Francois. I haven't bought a single loaf of bread in almost a month, and we usually go through 3-4 in a two week span. Part of that is that Mike hasn't been around as much, but still has been easy enough for us.

When I started making the light whole wheat loaves, the boys would actually ask for bread as a snack. That was totally strange especially for my youngest, considering I can hardly get him to eat bread.

The great thing is that these recipes make 3 or 4 loaves per batch, and all you have to do is take out a loaf at a time that will last you a few days. Each batch of dough lasts 10-14 days in the refrigerator until you're ready to use it. The loaves can also be partially baked and then frozen. It's made from a wet dough and no kneading is required.

Best of all is that I've figured out to adjust the recipe so that it works at 8500 ft. where we live. I've read that it can be very difficult to bake at elevation, so I was happy to figure it out so quickly.

The only thing I may suggest is that if your family is used to eating regular loaves for sandwiches, I would make the 1.5 lb loaves and put them in a non stick loaf pan. I've done it once so far and it turned out great.

Though the title is a little misleading, it is still very easy to do and make when you get in the habit of making them. Having small children, these recipes work great because it's pretty hands off and done in steps where you don't have to be right there all the time.

I'm pretty happy about this book and my new problem is finding flour in large enough quanties and type to keep up with our families needs.

There are a bunch of wonderful things you can do with fresh bread. My favorites so far are an appetizer, dipping it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a little cracked pepper. I also used it for BLTs when I got fresh tomatoes last week. Those are just a few ideas. I can't wait to try more ways of making bread!! Check it out if you are remotely interested in baking bread!! I have to buy a copy soon, mine is due back at the library...

OK, I'm back!

I've been out of it for a while with the move and all, but I'm back on here now so I can stop bugging all my friends on Facebook about food and recipes. I don't find quite the deals here in New Mexico as I did in Minnesota, so I probably wont be posting so much about those.

So what's new with us? We're living up in the beautiful mountains of southern New Mexico. It's a lot like living in Flagstaff, but we're at a higher elevation here and so the weather is a bit cooler. We had our last snow storm the first week in May. We're renting out in the country, and the kids LOVE IT OUTSIDE! They play outside all the time. I'm home alone quite a bit, with Mike fighting fires, but I recently got a job at the local Merchantile working in their bakery. It's fun and gives me a chance to get out of the house. The kids love going to daycare and playing with the other kids.

So things have changed a bit for us, but they are definitely going well. If anyone has any suggestions on things they'd like to see, let me know.