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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My New Favorite Bread Making Cookbook

I have recently found the best bread making cookbook for those who really enjoy homemade bread, but don't think they have time to do it enough to sustain the amount of bread your family eats. It's called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day" by Hertzberg and Francois. I haven't bought a single loaf of bread in almost a month, and we usually go through 3-4 in a two week span. Part of that is that Mike hasn't been around as much, but still has been easy enough for us.

When I started making the light whole wheat loaves, the boys would actually ask for bread as a snack. That was totally strange especially for my youngest, considering I can hardly get him to eat bread.

The great thing is that these recipes make 3 or 4 loaves per batch, and all you have to do is take out a loaf at a time that will last you a few days. Each batch of dough lasts 10-14 days in the refrigerator until you're ready to use it. The loaves can also be partially baked and then frozen. It's made from a wet dough and no kneading is required.

Best of all is that I've figured out to adjust the recipe so that it works at 8500 ft. where we live. I've read that it can be very difficult to bake at elevation, so I was happy to figure it out so quickly.

The only thing I may suggest is that if your family is used to eating regular loaves for sandwiches, I would make the 1.5 lb loaves and put them in a non stick loaf pan. I've done it once so far and it turned out great.

Though the title is a little misleading, it is still very easy to do and make when you get in the habit of making them. Having small children, these recipes work great because it's pretty hands off and done in steps where you don't have to be right there all the time.

I'm pretty happy about this book and my new problem is finding flour in large enough quanties and type to keep up with our families needs.

There are a bunch of wonderful things you can do with fresh bread. My favorites so far are an appetizer, dipping it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a little cracked pepper. I also used it for BLTs when I got fresh tomatoes last week. Those are just a few ideas. I can't wait to try more ways of making bread!! Check it out if you are remotely interested in baking bread!! I have to buy a copy soon, mine is due back at the library...


Unknown said...

What a coincidence! I had already ordered the same book when I read your blog. It just came in the mail today. I can't wait to read it.

enestvmel said...

I know how much you guys like making bread. You're going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! Let me know what you think about it.