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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

OK, I'm back!

I've been out of it for a while with the move and all, but I'm back on here now so I can stop bugging all my friends on Facebook about food and recipes. I don't find quite the deals here in New Mexico as I did in Minnesota, so I probably wont be posting so much about those.

So what's new with us? We're living up in the beautiful mountains of southern New Mexico. It's a lot like living in Flagstaff, but we're at a higher elevation here and so the weather is a bit cooler. We had our last snow storm the first week in May. We're renting out in the country, and the kids LOVE IT OUTSIDE! They play outside all the time. I'm home alone quite a bit, with Mike fighting fires, but I recently got a job at the local Merchantile working in their bakery. It's fun and gives me a chance to get out of the house. The kids love going to daycare and playing with the other kids.

So things have changed a bit for us, but they are definitely going well. If anyone has any suggestions on things they'd like to see, let me know.

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