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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Don't Toss It

At work recently, we were talking about some new things that we'll be making from scratch in the bakery this summer, and it really got me thinking. They're bringing back something they call Mountain Gems, something the previous owner used to make. She started describing them, and one sounded exactly the same as the Oreo cookie truffles I make at Christmas time. She had many different types of cookies that they use to create different flavors, like lemon or...well I got so excited after I heard Oreo truffles I missed all the other flavors.

If you've never had my truffles, you've missed out. But today I divulge all secrets, so here goes. Basicallcally all they are is cookies crushed in the processor and then cream cheese is added. I put he batch in the fridge for a while. Then I take a melon baller and make little spheres and put them in the fridge for a while before I coat them in melted almond bark (chocolate and white). Then I finish them off with a drizzle of the opposing color. I also change it up and put in some mint in half the cookie mixture and some in the bark. For those I'll usually drizzle green

You could basically do this with and dried cookie you like. Sky's the limit in flavor combos. You could do chocolate chip, lemon, ginger snap or anything.

What does this have to do with don't toss it, you ask yourself? Lots! It got me to thinking how many batches of overcooked cookies or flopped cakes that just get thrown away. I say you don't have to. This is a great way to use that stuff up.

Cakes, yes I said's happened to all of us that we've had to quick make a second one because something just wasn't right about it. Well, I've come across a recipe that makes it so you don't have to toss out that first one. It's a lot like the truffle idea. You take the baked cake and put it into the processor and turn it into a fine crumble. Then you mix in a tub of whatever frosting and mix it. Might need to get in there with your hands to get it all incorporated. Next I would put it in the fridge for about a Hal hour to let it set. When you take it out use a small round scupe to make little balls. Then either dip in chocolate or bark of your choice or just drizzle or glaze with some warmed up frosting. A little tip is that you can add some water to the frosting to thin it out to a drizzle.

So, enjoy and let's hear all your wonderful combination ideas!! One I've already come across is making red velvet cake with a green frosting at Christmas or red and white frosting at valentines. I'm even getting 4th of July visions with a red cake, white frosting and blue sprinkles...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recipes We Try To Replicate

As I mentioned, I started working at a bakery recently. I don't have their recipes, but it's so fun to try to duplicate! We have this thing that people go bonkers over. They have a few different flavors of them like bacon and cheese roll, bacon and green chili, and bacon, cheese and jalapeno. People go absolutely nuts over them, and they're wonderful!!

I've made it one of my new missions to replicate them. They basically look like a caramel roll (without the topping), that's filled with the variety of ingredients that make them taste so nummy. You could put almost any meat/cheese/veggie combo within reason. I particularly like the jalapeno ones!!

I'm going to start experimenting with the boule recipe out of the "Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes A Day" cookbook, and just incorporate different fillers. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes and give a better final recipe.

I'd love to hear your ideas for flavor combinations!

Summer Veggies

I love summer, mostly because it's fresh fruit and veggie season!! I practically go vegetarian in the summer, and my favorite place to get my goodies is at the local farmers market. I've been waiting weeks to go. Last week was the first week they had it around here and I ended up being very disappointed. Ours starts at 7:30 and I got there at 8 and all they had left was tomatoes. I heard people were lined up by 7:15 and pretty much everything sold out in a matter of minutes when they opened at 7:30. Happily they are going to have another one on Wednesday afternoons. I can't wait!!

If you don't have a farmer's market in your area, also try to check into a local CSA (community supported agriculture). If you do an internet search, you might be surprised what you find in your area.

I did manage to find some veggies and ended up making some refrigerator pickles and refrigerator pickled peppers. The hardest part is waiting the week while they cure. I also made cherry butter this week and threw it in the freezer. I'm determined to fill my pantry with goodies before this winter!!

Share your favorite summer recipes. I love new ideas!! Get out and try new recipes with the freshest veggies at your local market!!

My New Favorite Bread Making Cookbook

I have recently found the best bread making cookbook for those who really enjoy homemade bread, but don't think they have time to do it enough to sustain the amount of bread your family eats. It's called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day" by Hertzberg and Francois. I haven't bought a single loaf of bread in almost a month, and we usually go through 3-4 in a two week span. Part of that is that Mike hasn't been around as much, but still has been easy enough for us.

When I started making the light whole wheat loaves, the boys would actually ask for bread as a snack. That was totally strange especially for my youngest, considering I can hardly get him to eat bread.

The great thing is that these recipes make 3 or 4 loaves per batch, and all you have to do is take out a loaf at a time that will last you a few days. Each batch of dough lasts 10-14 days in the refrigerator until you're ready to use it. The loaves can also be partially baked and then frozen. It's made from a wet dough and no kneading is required.

Best of all is that I've figured out to adjust the recipe so that it works at 8500 ft. where we live. I've read that it can be very difficult to bake at elevation, so I was happy to figure it out so quickly.

The only thing I may suggest is that if your family is used to eating regular loaves for sandwiches, I would make the 1.5 lb loaves and put them in a non stick loaf pan. I've done it once so far and it turned out great.

Though the title is a little misleading, it is still very easy to do and make when you get in the habit of making them. Having small children, these recipes work great because it's pretty hands off and done in steps where you don't have to be right there all the time.

I'm pretty happy about this book and my new problem is finding flour in large enough quanties and type to keep up with our families needs.

There are a bunch of wonderful things you can do with fresh bread. My favorites so far are an appetizer, dipping it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a little cracked pepper. I also used it for BLTs when I got fresh tomatoes last week. Those are just a few ideas. I can't wait to try more ways of making bread!! Check it out if you are remotely interested in baking bread!! I have to buy a copy soon, mine is due back at the library...

OK, I'm back!

I've been out of it for a while with the move and all, but I'm back on here now so I can stop bugging all my friends on Facebook about food and recipes. I don't find quite the deals here in New Mexico as I did in Minnesota, so I probably wont be posting so much about those.

So what's new with us? We're living up in the beautiful mountains of southern New Mexico. It's a lot like living in Flagstaff, but we're at a higher elevation here and so the weather is a bit cooler. We had our last snow storm the first week in May. We're renting out in the country, and the kids LOVE IT OUTSIDE! They play outside all the time. I'm home alone quite a bit, with Mike fighting fires, but I recently got a job at the local Merchantile working in their bakery. It's fun and gives me a chance to get out of the house. The kids love going to daycare and playing with the other kids.

So things have changed a bit for us, but they are definitely going well. If anyone has any suggestions on things they'd like to see, let me know.