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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's amazing how much organic waste we put in a landfill in a year. And for some reason they don't recycle around here, so I felt obligated to do my part. So what am I going to do about it? I am going to buy worms. Yes, worms! If treated right, these little machines can eat their weight in food every day! Multiply that by about 1000 worms, and organics sent to the dump! Can you imagine if we ate that much?

It's really very simple. I'm just going to keep two plastic paint pails (with holes on all sides for the worms to breath). One with the bedding, food and worms, and the other to use when you're ready to collect their castings (worm poop, aka black gold). Then all I have to do is just wait for the magic to happen.

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